January 12 San Francisco Victoria Theater San Francisco Tape Music Festival

Sunday 7PM January 12 2025
While Carl is performing live in Tokyo, his music will be presented as part of the great San Francisco Tape Music Festival 2025. which is America’s only annual festival devoted to the performance of audio works projected in three-dimensional space, This year will feature four distinct concerts of classic audio art and new “fixed media” compositions by 42 local and international composers. over a pristine surround system (24 high-end loudspeakers) with the audience seated in complete darkness. It’s a unique opportunity to experience music forming, literally, around you.
The entire festival runs from January 10-12 and is worth checking out. Carl’s music will be featured on the closing concert on January 12.

20 general ($10 Sat 9:30 concert)
$10 balcony (underemployed et al.)
$50 fest pass (general seating all concerts

Buy Tickets Online

Victoria Theater
2961 16th Street San Francisco CA

WEB: http://www.sfsound.org/tape/

February 16 Tokyo Shibuya Morgan Salon

Sunday open 18h00 start 18h30 February 16 2025
Carl joins with Akaihirume for their first performance together in 2025, in advance of a Spring USA tour. The venue will be the wonderful Morgan Fisher private studio. Seats very limited – reserve ASAP by emailing morganfff@gmail.com and please include your name and callback number.Ticket fee includes free wine and snacks.

¥4000 (includes wine and snacks)

Buy Tickets Online

Morgan Salon
2-2-4 Izumi Suginami Ku Tokyo
Map (English) at here

New Album Release!

New Album released August 4th on Unseen Worlds!

“The through-line of Stone’s genius from primordial, early vocal cut-ups to strobing samepledelia becomes apparent across the eons charted here.”

From Boom Kat:

Stuffed with revelatory wonders spanning fifty years of Stone’s decimated compositions, the followup to installations in 2016 & ’18 offers the broadest overview of work by a true maverick in his field. Injecting humour and playfulness to an often unyielding framework, Stone is responsible for some of computer music’s wittiest and playfully psychoactive work, bar none. This set scrolls right back to his earliest work circa 1972 at CalArts, under Morton Subotnick and James Tenney, and brings us bang up to date with his tekkerz in 2022, dilating the purview of previous instalments for the wildest, and arguably best, primer to his vital avant-garde side-spins on pop, Latin, folk, and experimental musics.

It all begins with a practice stemming from his graduate job at CalArts, when he systematically preserved to tape some 10,000 vinyl records ranging from Renaissance music to early electronics and global folk styles, where he effectively developed a process of pause-button editing foreshadowing hip hop. Also influenced by his studies of electro-acoustic music and the possibilities of computer memory as prototypical samplers, his music can be heard as an innovative sort of meta-archiving, and the through-line of Stone’s genius from primordial, early vocal cut-ups to strobing samepledelia becomes apparent across the eons charted here.

Whether working with the laborious techniques of early computers, as on 1972’s uncannily future-proofed ‘Three Confusongs’ or smearing the vocals of Stefan Weiser (aka Z’Ev) into Roland Kayn-esque drones in ‘Ryouund Thygizunz’, or beyond the speed-of-thought algorithms of contemporary CPU’s in the trio of 2022 works, including the AI-alike sea shanty ‘Kustaa’, the effortlessness of Stone’s work is belied by very crafty mechanics and concept under the hood. And the way which he can truly tease out a sample before fully revealing its source simply never ceases to leave us reeling, as with the transformation of ‘Flint’s’ from Ace of Base like airport reggae lilt to a Max/MSP gobbled ‘Barbie Girl’, or indeed with his V/Vm-meets-Paul DeMarinis-like dissection of Queen’s in ‘Moranguk’.

November 9 8PM Los Angeles CA 2220 Arts & Archives Carl Stone @ 70

Thursday 8PM November 9 2023
Day 1 of Carl’s three-day residency at 2220 Arts & Archives in Los Angeles Filipinotown. The residency features Carl’s solo work as well as some of his collaborative projects Day 1 features a presentation of HORIZONTAL BOUNDRIES a live soundtrack performance accompanying the film by Pat O’Neil. Also on the evening, Senile Felines, Carl’s new trio project with Ned Rothenberg (winds) and Soo Yeon Lyuh (haegeum). ) In the upstairs viewing room, the venue will also be featuring films by Bruce and Norman Yonemoto to which Carl has done soundtracks, including Kappa, featuring Mike Kelly as well as a continuously running ice and stone installation by sculptor Mineko Grimmer. More details coming soon!


2220 Arts & Archives
2220 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90057

IG: #2220arts
Twitter: 2220Arts

November 10 8PM Los Angeles CA 2220 Arts & Archives Carl Stone @ 70

Friday 8PM November 10 2023
Day 2 of Carl’s three-day residency at 2220 Arts & Archives in Los Angeles Filipinotown. The residency features Carl’s solo work as well as some of his collaborative projects. Day 2 features Carl’s solo performance, a presentation of Adam Beckett’s Evolution of the Red Star, and early soundtrack for a film by the pioneer animator Adam Beckett. Also on the program, LUBAO, his duo collaboration with LAFMS stalwart Joseph Hammer. In the upstairs viewing room, the venue will also be featuring films by Bruce and Norman Yonemoto to which Carl has done soundtracks, including Kappa, featuring Mike Kelly as well as a continuously running ice and stone installation by sculptor Mineko Grimmer. More details coming soon!


2220 Arts & Archives
2220 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90057

IG: #2220arts
Twitter: 2220Arts

November 11 8PM Los Angeles CA 2220 Arts & Archives Carl Stone @ 70

Saturday 8PM November 11 2023
Day 3 of Carl’s three-day residency at 2220 Arts & Archives in Los Angeles Filipinotown. The residency features Carl’s solo work as well as some of his collaborative projects. Day 3 features Carl’s solo performance, Gloria Chenge performing some of Carl’s compositions for solo piano, and a duet with Carl joining American guitarist and loopmaster Dustin Wong ( Ponytail / Ecstatic Sunshine) In the upstairs viewing room, the venue will also be featuring films by Bruce and Norman Yonemoto to which Carl has done soundtracks, including Kappa, featuring Mike Kelly as well as a continuously running ice and stone installation by sculptor Mineko Grimmer. More details coming soon!


2220 Arts & Archives
2220 Beverly Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90057

IG: #2220arts
Twitter: 2220Arts

November 17 time tba San Francisco CA Taube Atrium Theater Other Minds Festival

Friday time tba November 17 2023
The first of two appearances by Carl at the 27th iteration of the famed Other Minds festival. for this concert Carl performs a solo composition, followed by a duo with the estimable pianist Sarah Cahill, and then a trio performance featuring Carl with Ned Rothenberg and Paul Dresher. Also on the evening will be the first live performance of Mary Kouyoumdjian‘s They Will Take My Island, a string octet about the life of Armenian-American abstract expressionist painter Arshile Gorky with film by Atom Egoyan, world and American premieres by leading Armenian composer and pianist Artur Avanesov.


Taube Atrium Theater
401 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94102
WEB: https://www.otherminds.org/festivals/
IG: #othermindssf
Twitter: OtherMindsSF

November 19 time tba San Francisco CA Taube Atrium Theater Other Minds Festival

Sunday time tba November 19 2023
The second of two appearances by Carl at the 27th iteration of the famed Other Minds festival. For this concert the festival moves to Gray Area, in San Francisco’s Mission District. the evening features the world premiere of Carl Stone‘s Re:gendo. Stone will perform live computer-based electronics with sounds distributed throughout the space, utilizing field recordings of the urban soundscape in Tokyo combined with his unique take on music from Japan as well as other parts of Asia. The music shares the immersive space with multi-channel video using specially commissioned drone footage shot over Tokyo. Featured as part of the performance will be Japanese vocalist Akaihirume.


Taube Atrium Theater
401 Van Ness Ave, San Francisco, CA 94102
WEB: https://www.otherminds.org/festivals/
IG: #othermindssf
Twitter: OtherMindsSF

December 2 Open 7:30PM Start 8:00PM Cambridge MA The Foundry Non-Event Presents

Saturday Open 7:30PM Start 8:00PM December 2 2023
Carl returns to the Boston area after an eight year absence. This performance is sponsored and produced by Non-Event, the Boston-based concert series devoted to the presentation of experimental, abstract, improvised, and adventurous music from New England and around the world.


$18 general, $12 Students

Buy Tickets Online

The Foundry
101 Rogers Street, Cambridge, MA

WEB: https://www.nonevent.org/
IG: #noneventseries
Twitter: nonevent

December 8 Open 7PM Start 8 PM Brooklyn NY Roulette 70th Birthday Lollapalooza

Friday Open 7PM Start 8 PM December 8 2023
The first of two nights of the Carl Stone 70th Birthday Lollapalooza at Roulette in Brooklyn. The program will consists of largely new works written especially for the performers. Both nights will include a Carl Stone solo as well as ensemble performances. Anticipated number of world premieres: three. All music composed by Carl Stone. For the first night the special guests include Senile Felines (Carl Stone (electronics), Ned Rothenberg (winds)+ Soo Yeon Lyuh (haegeum)) and
MIN Xiao-Fen (voice, pipa)

More details to follow soon!


$25 advance$30 doors$20 Student/Senior (w/ ID, Senior 65+)

Buy Tickets Online

509 Atlantic Avenue | Brooklyn, NY 11217
(917) 267-0363 (Box Office)
WEB: https://roulette.org/event/carl-stone-70th-birthday-1/
WEB: https://roulette.org/event/carl-stone-70th-birthday-2/
IG: #roulette_intermedium
Twitter: Roulette_nyc

December 9 Open 7PM Start 8 PM Brooklyn NY Roulette 70th Birthday Lollapalooza

Saturday Open 7PM Start 8 PM December 9 2023
The second of two nights of the Carl Stone 70th Birthday Lollapalooza at Roulette in Brooklyn. The program will consists of largely new works written especially for the performers. Both nights will include a Carl Stone solo as well as ensemble performances. Anticipated number of world premieres: three. All music composed by Carl Stone. For the second night the special guests include Matthew Sargent, Todd Reynolds, Elliot Sharp, MIN Xiao-Fen and Booker Stardrum.
More details to follow soon!


$25 advance$30 doors$20 Student/Senior (w/ ID, Senior 65+)

Buy Tickets Online

509 Atlantic Avenue | Brooklyn, NY 11217
(917) 267-0363 (Box Office)
WEB: https://roulette.org/event/carl-stone-70th-birthday-1/
WEB: https://roulette.org/event/carl-stone-70th-birthday-2/
IG: #roulette_intermedium
Twitter: Roulette_nyc

WAT DONG MOON LEK Makes The Wire’s REWIRE -Best of 2022

Once again we’re honored to be included in The Wire’s “REWIRE” Best of 2022 list. This release on Unseen Worlds keeps Carl’s unbroken streak going since 2016.
“Carl Stone is a half-century into his career – so how is it that his music still sounds fresh? Wat Dong Moon Lek sees the West Coast composer working in Max/MSP, taking scraps from disparate genres – pop, country, jazz – and pasting them into anarchic, hook-packed pop collages. Claire Biddles said: ‘The tracks are all made so methodicallty, and yet there’s such alchemy here, each track feeling fizzy and alaive with potential directions.'”

BoomKat Reviews Wat Dong Moon Lek

Boomkat Product Review:

Avant-garde computer music pioneer Carl Stone’s newest is a Max/MSP powered deep dive into unsettled dreamworld sampledelica, warping pitch-fuct pop garbles into hiccuping noise spirals and quasi-techno ethno-pop bumpers. Properly off the dial material that sounds like a plunderphonic take on the Sublime Frequencies catalog, or ABBA reworked by Oval.

‘Wat Dong Moon Lek’ might be the oddest missive we’ve heard yet from Stone. The Californian computer music vanguard has long been notable for his dissections of electronics, minimalism, world music and hip-hop, and this latest set melts his history into a barely discernible soup of chattering drums, veiled vocals and stuttered melodies. “Stone ‘plays’ his source material in the way Terry Riley’s ‘In C’ ‘plays’ an ensemble,” reads the press release – and it’s not far off the mark. There’s a freewheeling charm and humor to Stone’s approach that’s hard not to love, it’s uncompromising and deliciously bonkers, but struck thru with a level of knuckle-crack’d expertise that lifts it a few inches from the ground at all times.

At its best, ‘Wat Dong Moon Lek’ sounds like a shortwave radio interrupting a skipping J-pop CD: almost aggrevatingly loopy but texturally inviting at the same time. And while the music is assisted and driven by software, it sounds organic and human, as if Stone is answering the ubiquitous algorithmic playlist age with an arched eyebrow and a double helping of glitchy mischief. Whether you’re into John Oswald, Farmers Manual, DJ Screw or Steve Reich, this one’s for you.


Out now: Carl Stone – We Jazz Reworks, Vol. 2

We Jazz Records presents the second volume of their reworks albums dealing with source material from the Helsinki-based label’s catalog. This time around, it’s Carl Stone’s turn to tackle the source albums at hand and filter the label’s output through his musical lens.

We Jazz Reworks is an idea that repurposes some of the label’s output 10 albums at a time. That is, the label invites producers whose music they love on board, and one by one, they tackle 10 albums worth of source material, of which they are free to use as much or as little as they choose. The series evolves chronologically, so this volume being number two, the source material is pulled from We Jazz LPs numbers 11 through 20. The artist has complete freedom.

Volume 2 in the series happens with Carl Stone, a legendary figure in creative music. His career spans decades of unlimited musical innovation. Stone’s recent output on Unseen Worlds, the label who has also been instrumental in issuing some of his remarkable earlier work, ranks among the most original art of our time and renders notions such as “genre” virtually meaningless.

Here, We Jazz originals by Terkel Nørgaard, OK:KO, Jonah Parzen-Johnson and more are met here with a fresh sense of discovery, spun around and delivered ready for the turntable once again.

Carl Stone says:

“It was wonderful that We Jazz gave me carte blanche to work with any materials from the set of ten releases in its catalog. This freedom to work with everything could have been a mixed blessing though, as it could be a challenge to try to deal with so much musical information. In the end I did what I almost always do: Let my intuition be my guide and to seize upon any musical items that seemed to fit into an overall approach.”

“To make a new piece I usually start with an extended period of what really is just playing, the way a child plays with toys. Experimentation without necessary expectation, leading to (hopefully) discovery of things of musical interest, then figuring out a way to craft and shape these into a structured piece of music. Each track uses a different approach, which I found along the way during this play period.”

This conceptual approach becomes complete with the design, in which album graphics are treated in a similar fashion, reworking what’s there. This time around, the artwork is reinvented by Tuomo Parikka, a regular cover collage contributor for the We Jazz Magazine.


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