Realistic Monk Hamburg 2016 – Foto: ACBaur
Realistic Monk – the title a simple anagram of the names of its members – is a new performance project from Carl Stone in collaboration with artist/composer Miki Yui. The unit concentrates on smaller sounds, sometimes at the edge of perception, encouraging concentrated listening as they create deep soundscapes that emerge out of voices, noises, field recordings and acoustic feedback.
High Resolution photos can be found here
Realistic Monk は、コンピューター音楽のパイオニア Carl Stone (*1953 USA) と、ドイツ在住の美術家、音楽家のMiki Yui (*1971 JP) のデュオ。それぞれが独自の方法でサンプリング、電子音、フィールドレコーディング、音響を駆使しソロで活躍している。
デュオ名のRealistic Monk は2人の名前のアナグラムから出来ている。
今春4月7日に東京、水道橋のFtarri にて日本で初めてのコンサートを行う。

Realistic Monk live at ZKM, Karlsruhe June 23 2016

photo: Markus Luigs

© ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe 2016, photo: Luise Wiesenmüller
Carl Stone |
Miki Yui |
born 1953 Los Angeles USA composer based in Tokyo Japan since 2001 Past collaborators include “{Stone’s music is} a powerful stimulant, with lingering euphoric effects.” “One of American experimental music’s most eloquent advocates” |
born 1971 in Tokyo Japan. artist, composer based in Düsseldorf Germany since 1994. Previous collaborators include Rolf Julius and Klaus Dinger. “Miki Yui´s work deals with the memory of lived events. Focusing in particular on images and sounds, it reveals the trace, or wake, that these leave behind as they fade, after having appeared (in the former case) or been produced (in the latter).”- Carlo Fossati, director of e/static “Starting from a perception of the faintest sounds and noises, Miki Yui develops pieces of music, drawings and sound installations |

photo credit: Markus Luigs
REALISTIC MONK Technical Requirements |